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WPCA Minutes 03/19/2009


THURSDAY, March 19, 2009

The Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Authority met on Thursday, March 19, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Town Hall.  Those present and voting were Tom Risom (Chairman), Mervin Roberts, George James, Dimitry Tolchinsky, Keith Czarnecki, Joe OConnor and Steve Dix.   Also present was Ron Rose, Sanitarian.

Chairman Risom called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

Chairmans Report

Chairman Risom reported that 250 letters were sent to homeowners who missed the five-year pump-out as of January 30, 2009.  He indicated that some appeals have been filed.  Chairman Risom stated that he and Jan Krause have had a few conversations regarding the mission of the Appeals Board.  He explained that he again informed Ms. Krause to let the First Selectman know if there is anyone with a true financial hardship, as there are funds available from private sources.  Chairman Risom stated that he explained to Ms. Krause that the Town is more interested in having people pump then collecting a fine from them for not pumping.

Chairman Risom stated that there are 42 people who have still never pumped.  He indicated that in the fall, the Water Pollution Control Authority directed Roger Breunig to work with Attorney Wells and file suit against these people; and he recently found that nothing has moved forward.  He asked anyone interested in working with Attorney Wells in this regard to let him know.

Chairman Risom stated that there was some confusion with the receipt of Appeals in the Selectmans Office and forwarding them to Ms. Swaney, who in turn would contact Ms. Krause.  He explained that he took care of this last week and believes the process should go more smoothly in the future.

Chairman Risom noted that Jacobsen is testing the pipes for the Point O Woods sewer project right now.  Chairman Risom stated that the piping cannot come out of Point O Woods until sometime in May.  He explained that Jacobsen provides weekly reports to the Town on this project.  Mr. Dix stated that he went out and looked at the sewer project last week.  He noted that most of it is gravity fed.  Mr. Dix stated that almost all of the roads have been ripped up.  Chairman Risom stated that they are probably trying to get it done before the weather warms up and people start coming for the season.

Chairman Risom stated that the Water Pollution Control Authority has discussed developing a Waste Water Management District so that they would be able to regulate alternate systems themselves without going through the State.  Mr. Rose stated that even if Old Lyme establishes a Waste Water Management District they will have to take each alternate system to the DEP.  He indicated that if they create a Waste Water Management District it will be, in the States eyes, admitting there is pollution.  Mr. Rose stated that the State Health Code is slowly changing and adapting to new technologies.

Mr. Dix questioned where the Health Department is in regards to a database that contains the records of system types and pump-outs.  Chairman Risom stated that the pumpers supply reports to the Town.  He noted that there are areas on the ticket that asks the pumpers to report problems or repairs needed and Mr. Rose follows up on those.  Mr. Rose stated that he believes the pump-out system is working well and every day there is progress.

Mr. Tolchinsky questioned what would happen if some one didnt pump-out for 8 years.  Chairman Risom stated that there is a list of 42 people who have not pumped since the Health Department began tracking pump-outs.  He indicated that these are the people he was referring to when he discussed having some one work with Attorney Wells in filing lawsuits.  Chairman Risom indicated that the Health Department through Marilyn Swaney, continually notifies and tracks people.  Mr. OConnor stated that it would be good to get one person to Court and get a judgment.


In Ms. Grogans absence, Chairman Risom reported that they submitted a budget with a zero percent increase, as requested by the Board of Selectmen.


Mr. OConnor reported that Mr. Dickey has not finished retyping the Regulations.  He indicated that he has already proof-read what has been completed.  Mr. OConnor stated that when the entire document is completed they have to come up with a way to be sure that the document is not changed without authorization.  Chairman Risom explained that they will go up on the website as a pdf document which cannot be changed.

Chairman Risom explained that when the Transfer Station was constructed in the mid-80s, it was constructed with a life-span of five to seven years.  He noted that that was fifteen years ago.  Chairman Risom stated that the Selectmen have budgeted $35,000 for 2009 and 2010 to rebuild the tanks, build a pavement area and construct a building over the tanks.  He noted that Mr. Yuknat will pay for the piping to his structure that will process the waste for future distribution to New London.  Chairman Risom noted that the Town raised its tipping rates one-half a cent and the Town absorbs an additional one-half cent, due to the increased cost of gasoline.  He explained that Gary Yuknat has expressed the desire to buy the Transfer Station from the Town and sign a 99-year contract to provide services to the Town.  He stated that at the present time Gary Yuknat is prohibited from bringing in waste from other Towns and if he purchases the Station he would then be able to bring in other Towns waste.  Chairman Risom stated that he would then have to get a larger permit from the DEP, but he could run it as a service, such as the trash hauling that he currently provides for Old Lyme.

Mr. James stated that the Town fields have had pesticides put on them again.  Chairman Risom stated that he thought they were to use organic pesticides.  Mr. James indicated that organic pesticides are very expensive.

Sanitarians Report

Mr. Rose stated that he went to the Wetlands Meeting last week to give the Chairman information on an available grant from the State.  He indicated that he doesnt believe anything was done with it.  Mr. Rose noted that there are wetlands being filled by people all over Town.  He noted that there is money available but people have to ask for it.  Mr. Dix suggested giving the information to the First Selectman.  Mr. James stated that he gave Mr. Griswold some information on grants from the State and he hasnt heard back.  He asked Mr. Rose to give him the information on the particular grant he is speaking of and he will be sure that Mr. Griswold gets it.

Mr. Rose distributed the pump-out report.

Chairman Risom suggested cancelling the April Regular Meeting; the Commission members were in agreement.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on a motion by Mervin Roberts and seconded by George James; so voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan J. Bartlett,
Recording Secretary